SUMA móvil is the division of Grupo Ingenium that offers mobile telephony services including an MVNA Platform. It was founded in Spain in 2012, when it was called IOS -Ingenium Outsourcing Services- with the firm goal of being the technical and business alternative for all companies wishing to offer mobile telephony services such as MVNO, while being able to enjoy the highest levels of flexibility, independence, customisation and autonomy when operating their service.
It currently has more than 25 deployed MVNOs, and is present in Colombia, Chile and Perú, making it a leading international Mobile Services Platform.
It has a Complete Full Core - BSS/OSS Platform, ready to operate in 2G/3G/4G networks. This enables rapid deployment of any mobile business model, and multiple virtual networks can be operated completely independently. It also has the most comprehensive portfolio of services in the market. Its high level of flexibility means that each brand can be managed completely independently, giving them the autonomy necessary to manage their business - price plans, vouchers, promotions, etc,..- quickly and easily, leading to a significant reduction in time to market and therefore a better quality of service to the end user, allowing them to adapt to changes in the tastes and needs of their clients, and the movements of their competitors.