Alai Secure is a telecommunications operator, with a TMC Operator License (R02005/1325) with its own numbering, specialising exclusively in Intelligent Network Services, offering the highest standards in service security and availability, and in developing value-added and tailor-made services, providing value and personalising final solutions to the specific needs of each client.
In 2012, Alai Secure took a further step forward and began operating as an MVNO -Mobile Virtual Network Operator- on the platform of IOS –Ingenium Outsourcing Services- and the Orange Network in Spain, offering mobile phone services, and becoming the first exclusive M2M operator in Spain.
With this move forwards, Alai Secure becomes a Global Telecommunications Operator and completes its current portfolio of business services, with SECURITY as the backdrop. Its entire infrastructure, as well as its range of services, is designed to guarantee its clients 100% of communications, while also ensuring the 0% hyperactivity iessential in some sectors such as social and health care (Telecare) and private security (intrusion), which involve critical communications. Alai Secure is also present in other sectors including: vending, metering, elevators, fleet control and presence monitoring, among others.
In January 2016, Alai Secure added Broadband to its converging Landline + Mobile range in its portfolio of services, thereby offering a complete service as an ISP (Internet Service Provider). It can thus offer its client base a comprehensive Telco Security service: landline+mobile+Internet, dealing with all the client's communications and adding an additional layer of security in all Telco communications.